Getting Recognised as a Charity – New HMRC Tool

Try the new charities registration service Yesterday HM Revenue & Customs announced that it is developing and testing a new digital service for organisations applying to be recognised as a charity for tax purposes. HMRC are running a trial version of the new

HMRC Announce PAYE Late Filing Penalties

On 23 June 2014 HMRC published information about newly introduced penalties for failing to submit PAYE data on time. You can find detailed information on the following HMRC link: Meanwhile here are some answers to common questions about the penalties

Pensions – How Much to Invest

Do you know how much to invest in your pension and what to do with your fund when you retire? This is the subject of today’s Money Box Live on BBC Radio Four at 3pm. Or if you miss it

HMRC – PAYE Deadlines

There are four important deadlines for employers in April and May. April 19 Outstanding PAYE tax and Class 1 NICs – postal payments must reach your HMRC Accounts Office. April 22 Outstanding PAYE tax and Class 1 NIC – cleared

Bookkeeping in London

I provide a range of bookkeeping and accounting services for clients in London, Sussex and Surrey. You will find lots of information here about how I can help you. I will also blog relevant news such as tax deadlines to
